
Automatic documentation for any patient encounter

Embraced by industry leaders, our ContrastScribe reduces documentation effort, enhances data accuracy, and supports high quality patient care.
Prioritize Care

Reduce documentation time by 2 hours each day

Our ContrastScribe listens, understands, and converts your natural patient conversations into structured clinical notes in real time. Documentation should be a byproduct of high quality patient care, not an additional task.
Scribe Lite
No EHR integration
Start automating your documentation process within the next 5 minutes. Sign up, record your visits, and copy-paste your AI Scribe notes into your EHR.
With EHR integration
Within the Contrast AI Platform, AI Scribe becomes even more powerful. Auto-generated notes now pull in patient chart information, and tasks such as placing orders can be automated with your voice.
Personalize Documentation

Create customizable templates

Our customizable templates ensure that every document is structured to your preferences while maintaining the highest standards of medical record-keeping.
Trust In Evidence

Transcript to note 
evidence linking

Contrast links content within your AI Scribe note to the relevant dialogue from your patient conversation. This evidence mapping ensures a comprehensive and well-supported documentation process.
Optimize Performance

Automatic quality improvement

As you use the ContrastScribe, it learns and evolves to match your documentation style. Our advanced machine learning algorithms analyze your edits to deliver increasingly accurate clinical notes over time.
HIPAA Compliant

Contrast does not train AI on your patient’s data

Experience cutting edge AI technology while protecting patient confidentiality. Our technology is designed to ensure privacy and adherence to strict HIPAA standards.

Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about the basics of Contrast.
What makes the ContrastHub unique?
The ContrastHub combines advanced AI technology with the best, most user friendly charting interface in the industry. By automating documentation, mouse clicks, and admin tasks, we allow healthcare providers to devote more time to patient care.
How does the platform integrate with existing EHR systems?
The ContrastHub is built to complement and enhance your existing EHR system, ensuring maximum value without needing to replace your EHR. We have integrated with the major EHR vendors and are capable of meeting your unique integration needs.
What's the typical implementation timeline?
Contrast Scribe Lite is available for immediate use without requiring EHR integration. You can sign up and get started in less than 5 minutes.

ContrastHub implementations vary by scope, but typically span 6-8 weeks. Our implementation teams include an EHR integration specialist, a clinically trained specialist, and a project manager. We work with you to make your experience as efficient and low-effort as possible.
What support do you provide after implementation?
We provide comprehensive onboarding support and ongoing assistance throughout your time as a customer. Our team is available to ensure you maximize the benefits of Contrast.
Can Contrast scale with my organization's growth?
Yes. From individual practices to large health systems, Contrast is ready to scale effortlessly alongside your organization. Our services provide value for every clinical member of your growing care teams.
Can I try the ContrastHub for free?
We offer a pilot trial to help you experience the full benefits of Contrast. This trial includes full access to our AI Platform and suite of AI features, along with dedicated support to get your system up and running smoothly.
What benefits can administrators expect?
Healthcare administrators will see an improvement in clinical staff satisfaction, reduced administrative burdens, and the ability to increase quantity and quality of care.
How do you ensure data privacy and security?
Contrast adheres to industry standard enterprise security protocols. We are HIPAA compliant and SOC2 Type 2 certified.
Is it safe to use AI technology in healthcare?
Yes. We take responsible AI seriously, and we ensure our technology upholds the highest ethical and safety standards so that it is appropriate for use in healthcare. Our AI is rigorously developed and tested to enhance clinical care without bias, always prioritizing patient safety and provider autonomy.
Can providers within an organization use Contrast independently?
Yes. Contrast Scribe Lite is designed to be accessible to anyone as a standalone product without EHR integration. It take less than 5 minutes to sign up and get started in your first patient visit. Learn how to sign up and use Scribe Lite by visiting the dedicated product page.

Get started now with 10 free Scribe Lite visits

Begin your journey into the future of healthcare.